Package 'RCTRecruit'

Title: Non-Parametric Recruitment Prediction for Randomized Clinical Trials
Description: Accurate prediction of subject recruitment for Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT) remains an ongoing challenge. Many previous prediction models rely on parametric assumptions. We present functions for non-parametric RCT recruitment prediction under several scenarios.
Authors: Ioannis Malagaris [aut, cre, cph] , Alejandro Villasante-Tezanos [aut], Christopher Kurinec [aut], Xiaoying Yu [aut]
Maintainer: Ioannis Malagaris <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.24
Built: 2025-03-17 06:05:02 UTC

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Euclidean distance between predicted and actual recruitment


Euclidean distance between predicted and actual recruitment


  nSim = 10000L,
  fillGaps = FALSE,
  cauchyWt = FALSE,
  efficiencyFactor = 1



A vector with the actual recruitment by week


Number of simulations to run (default = 1e4L). Accepted values are in the
range of 1 to 10,000.


Whether to fill recruitment gaps in the data (default = FALSE).
Recruitment gaps are defined as any full week (Monday through Sunday) with
no dates recorded in the loaded data. If at least one date is present within
a given week, that week will not be considered a gap in recruitment.


Whether to use Cauchy weights for sampling. If FALSE (default),
binomial weights are used.


An efficiency coefficient to apply to the recruitment rate (default = 1).
If the efficiency of the recruitment process is expected to match
the provided data, this value should be set to 1. If the recruitment
process is expected to be slower, this value should less than 1. Finally,
if the recruitment process is expected to proceed faster, this value should be
greater than 1. Accepted values range from 0.1 to 2:

  • 0.1: Indicates that the recruitment rate is expected to be 10% of the original rate.

  • 2.0: Indicates that the recruitment rate is expected to be double the original rate.


An object of RCTDist class with four elements.

  1. dist: A numeric vector with length equal to nSim containing the simulated
    Euclidean distance.

  2. CI: A numeric vector with the median and the 95% CI Euclidean distance.

  3. call.: The call (deparsed) that created the object

  4. cargs: A list with the arguments of the call that created the object
    including the default arguments

See Also

Other Links: GetWeekPredCI(), LoadData(), RCTRecruit-package, Time2Nsubjects(), gripsYR1, gripsYR2, gripsYR2Weekly


LoadData(gripsYR1, ScreenDt, Enrolled)
(res <- GetDistance(gripsYR2Weekly$enrolled))

Calculate median recruitment with 95% CI for the next 104 weeks (two years)


Calculate median recruitment with 95% CI for the next 104 weeks (two years)


  nSim = 10000L,
  fillGaps = FALSE,
  cauchyWt = FALSE,
  efficiencyFactor = 1



Number of simulations to run (default = 1e4L). Accepted values are in the
range of 1 to 10,000.


Whether to fill recruitment gaps in the data (default = FALSE).
Recruitment gaps are defined as any full week (Monday through Sunday) with
no dates recorded in the loaded data. If at least one date is present within
a given week, that week will not be considered a gap in recruitment.


Whether to use Cauchy weights for sampling. If FALSE (default),
binomial weights are used.


An efficiency coefficient to apply to the recruitment rate (default = 1).
If the efficiency of the recruitment process is expected to match
the provided data, this value should be set to 1. If the recruitment
process is expected to be slower, this value should less than 1. Finally,
if the recruitment process is expected to proceed faster, this value should be
greater than 1. Accepted values range from 0.1 to 2:

  • 0.1: Indicates that the recruitment rate is expected to be 10% of the original rate.

  • 2.0: Indicates that the recruitment rate is expected to be double the original rate.


An object of RCTPredCI class with 5 elements.

  1. predCI: An 104x3 matrix with the 2.5%, 50% and 97.5% weekly percentiles

  2. plot(yMax = NULL, Title = NULL):
    Function which plots the results. It accepts the following arguments:

    • yMax sets the upper limit of the y-axis

    • Title sets the main title for the plot

  3. pargs:
    An environment which contains objects and functions used to construct
    the plot. Additional plot configuration to what the plot() function
    currently supports, can be achieved by modifying those objects

  4. call.: The call (deparsed) that created the object

  5. cargs: A list with the arguments of the call that created the object
    including the default arguments

See Also

Other Links: GetDistance(), LoadData(), RCTRecruit-package, Time2Nsubjects(), gripsYR1, gripsYR2, gripsYR2Weekly


LoadData(gripsYR1, ScreenDt, Enrolled)
(res <- GetWeekPredCI(fillGaps = TRUE, efficiencyFactor = 1.5))
scenarios <- list(
  sc1 = GetWeekPredCI(),
  sc2 = GetWeekPredCI(cauchyWt = TRUE),
  sc3 = GetWeekPredCI(fillGaps = TRUE),
  sc4 = GetWeekPredCI(fillGaps = TRUE, efficiencyFactor = 1.2)
maxY <- sapply(scenarios, \(x) x$pargs$maxY) |> max()
defaultGraphicParams <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
graphics::par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 1, 0, 7), mar = c(4, 4, 3, 1))
for (x in scenarios) x$plot(yMax = maxY, Title = x$call.), defaultGraphicParams)

Daily recruitment data for the 1st year of the GRIPS study


Modified recruitment data from the first year of the GRIPS study. This dataset includes the number or participants recruited for each calendar date during active recruitment periods.




A data frame with 159 observations of 2 variables

[,1] ScreenDt character Calendar date of the screening process for recruitment in the study
[,2] Enrolled integer Number of new subjects enrolled in the study on that date


Villasante-Tezanos A, Kuo Y, Kurinec C, Li Y, Yu X (2024). "A non-parametric approach to predict the recruitment for randomized clinical trials: an example in elderly inpatient settings." BMC medical research methodology, 24, 189. ISSN 1471-2288,

See Also

Other Links: GetDistance(), GetWeekPredCI(), LoadData(), RCTRecruit-package, Time2Nsubjects(), gripsYR2, gripsYR2Weekly

Daily recruitment data for the 2nd year of the GRIPS study


Modified recruitment data from the second year of the GRIPS study. This dataset includes the number or participants recruited for each calendar date during active recruitment periods.




A data frame with 292 observations of 2 variables

[,1] ScreenDt character Calendar date of the screening process for recruitment in the study
[,2] Enrolled integer Number of new subjects enrolled in the study on that date


Villasante-Tezanos A, Kuo Y, Kurinec C, Li Y, Yu X (2024). "A non-parametric approach to predict the recruitment for randomized clinical trials: an example in elderly inpatient settings." BMC medical research methodology, 24, 189. ISSN 1471-2288,

See Also

Other Links: GetDistance(), GetWeekPredCI(), LoadData(), RCTRecruit-package, Time2Nsubjects(), gripsYR1, gripsYR2Weekly

Weekly recruitment data for the 2nd year of the GRIPS study


Modified recruitment data from the second year of the GRIPS study, aggregated by calendar week.




A data frame with 52 observations of 4 variables

[,1] week double Calendar week
[,2] year double Calendar year
[,3] enrolled integer Number of people enrolled that week
[,4] activeDays integer Number of days in that week when recruitment was active


Villasante-Tezanos A, Kuo Y, Kurinec C, Li Y, Yu X (2024). "A non-parametric approach to predict the recruitment for randomized clinical trials: an example in elderly inpatient settings." BMC medical research methodology, 24, 189. ISSN 1471-2288,

See Also

Other Links: GetDistance(), GetWeekPredCI(), LoadData(), RCTRecruit-package, Time2Nsubjects(), gripsYR1, gripsYR2

Load recruitment data.


This function must be called before any other function in this package. LoadData
checks the input data and stores the results internally for the session.
Calling this function more than once in the same session will overwrite the
previously created internal data.


LoadData(data, date, enrolled)



Main dataset containing at least two columns:

  • A date column with the calendar date of the screening

  • A enrolled column with the number of subjects enrolled

If the entries cover a period longer than 1 year, only the entries within
one year prior to the latest date will be retained.


The name (symbol or string) of the column in the dataset with the calendar
dates of active screening. All active calendar dates should be included, even
if the recruitment for that date is 0. Only dates with truly non-active
recruitment should be omitted. The date column must be:

  • an object inheriting from class the Date class

  • or a character vector with a valid date format.


The name (symbol or string) of the column in the dataset with the number of
subjects recruited on the corresponding calendar date. It must be a numeric vector.


This function does not return any value. It runs several tests and proccesses
the data and stores internally the results. It prints a message to the console
if the data is successfully loaded or an error message if there is an issue
with the input data. Once the dataset is loaded, the following functions can
be used:

  • Time2Nsubjects(): simulates the number of weeks needed to recruit a
    given number of subjects

  • GetDistance(): calculates the Euclidean distance between the
    predicted and actual recruitment

  • GetWeekPredCI(): calculates the median recruitment with 95% CI for
    up to the next 104 weeks (two years)

See Also

Other Links: GetDistance(), GetWeekPredCI(), RCTRecruit-package, Time2Nsubjects(), gripsYR1, gripsYR2, gripsYR2Weekly


# Load using names as symbols
LoadData(gripsYR1, ScreenDt, Enrolled)

# Load using names as strings
LoadData(gripsYR1, "ScreenDt", "Enrolled")

# Load using base pipe operator
gripsYR1 |> LoadData(ScreenDt, Enrolled)

# Load using magrittr pipe operator
if (base::requireNamespace("magrittr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  gripsYR1 %>% LoadData(ScreenDt, Enrolled) 

Simulate the number of weeks needed to recruit a given number of subjects


Simulate the number of weeks needed to recruit a given number of subjects


  nSub = 50L,
  nSim = 10000L,
  fillGaps = FALSE,
  cauchyWt = FALSE,
  efficiencyFactor = 1



Number of subjects to recruit (default = 50L)


Number of simulations to run (default = 1e4L). Accepted values are in the
range of 1 to 10,000.


Whether to fill recruitment gaps in the data (default = FALSE).
Recruitment gaps are defined as any full week (Monday through Sunday) with
no dates recorded in the loaded data. If at least one date is present within
a given week, that week will not be considered a gap in recruitment.


Whether to use Cauchy weights for sampling. If FALSE (default),
binomial weights are used.


An efficiency coefficient to apply to the recruitment rate (default = 1).
If the efficiency of the recruitment process is expected to match
the provided data, this value should be set to 1. If the recruitment
process is expected to be slower, this value should less than 1. Finally,
if the recruitment process is expected to proceed faster, this value should be
greater than 1. Accepted values range from 0.1 to 2:

  • 0.1: Indicates that the recruitment rate is expected to be 10% of the original rate.

  • 2.0: Indicates that the recruitment rate is expected to be double the original rate.


An object of RCTNWeeks class with four elements.

  1. weeks is an integer vector with length equal to nSim containing the simulation results.

  2. CI shows the median and the 95% CI.

  3. call.: The call (deparsed) that created the object

  4. cargs: A list with the arguments of the call that created the object
    including the default arguments

See Also

Other Links: GetDistance(), GetWeekPredCI(), LoadData(), RCTRecruit-package, gripsYR1, gripsYR2, gripsYR2Weekly


LoadData(gripsYR1, ScreenDt, Enrolled)
(res <- Time2Nsubjects())